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College Maximizer


This is the program if you have college courses to transfer and are
not sure of your options or how to choose where next.


Steps to your personal college plan.

  1. The questionnaire will be emailed to you. Complete and submit.

  2. Most colleges have a document showing all of your current courses and yet to be fulfilled courses in your degree program. You can scan your documents and submit. Or you can submit a word doc or PDF. A current transcript will also work. Please remove physical address and social security number, if on any documents.

  3. Turn-around time for this process is normally between 3-4 days, though some require
    up to a week.


  4. Your Final Evaluation will compare 4-5 colleges and a mapping of the process for each.

  5. During this time, if the Coach assigned to you has questions, they will contact you via email.

  6. When your Evaluation is complete it will be emailed to you.


The Personalized Coaching Plan allow you to view your options, enabling you to make the best choices for your education and career path.


Information needed on the Questionnaire, include testing scores, states and geographical areas interested in. Type of college, academic interests and other activity interest, such as athletic, clubs, etc. Interest and/or need in financial resources, such as scholarships, grants, work-study and student loans. Planning on full time or part time. Interested in traditional course delivery (in class room) or online, or a mix of both. 
Interest in accelerated degree programs.



College Maximizer Plan

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