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Transfer Acceleration


This is the program if you have college courses to transfer and know where you are transferring to and the degree program you are transferring into.


Steps to your personal Transfer Plan:


Choose a few colleges that you are interested in.

We help you plan your classes. Transferring from one college to another takes serious planning for a smooth and efficient transition.

Choose an evaluation package


A questionnaire will be emailed shortly.


Upload the required information and the completed questionnaire.

Turn-around time normally is 3-4 days, but could take up to a week. 

Once your Evaluation is complete, you will receive your personal report.



Course Evaluations Have a personalized plan for transferring. Our evaluation maps the courses
you have already taken along with the program you are transferring into.  


Then your future courses best suited for your transfer program are mapped.


You get a side-by-side mapping for your courses taken and courses required.


Our customized evaluations allow to view your options, enabling you to make the best choices for
your education and career path. Planning your transfer will save significant time and money. 


One evaluation is far less than any college course at a 4-year College. 


You do not want to be taking courses that do not transfer. You want to take the correct courses
that line up for where you are transferring.


Free online consultation and continued coaching for one year, starting with receipt of
Coaching or Transfer Report


Select and purchase the program that best fits your needs. Then please fill out and
submit the questionnaire.



Click to upload files to Drop Box

Evaluation for transfer to
one college, one program


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Savings Program 

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Evaluation for transfer to second college, one program

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Savings Program 

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Savings Program 

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Evaluation for transfer to same college, different program

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Documents and Information Needed in a Transfer Evaluation program


  1. Most colleges have a document showing all of your current courses and yet to be fulfilled courses in your degree program. You can scan and submit, or submit a word doc or PDF.
    A current transcript will also work. Please remove physical address and social security
    number, if on any documents.


  2. An online version of the Course Catalog for the college you are currently enrolled. 
    A web address will also work. Course descriptions for your courses need to be accessed.


  3. An online version of the Course Catalog for each college you are considering transferring to. 
    A web address will also work. Course descriptions for courses need to be accessed.


  4. The degree program you are currently in. This is normally a one to two page document and
    can be found on your college website. 


  5. The degree program for each program you are considering for where you are transferring to.  This is normally a one to two page document and can be found on your college website.



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© 2017 College Your Way 
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